[Scons-dev] Remaining Buildbot errors under Windows...

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Wed Dec 16 14:49:55 EST 2015

Hi all,

after my last commit, the Windows Buildbot has only two remaining errors/fails, namely:


. I analysed these a little, and here are my results:


The version number $SWIGVERSION gets wrong. Is there a "swig" installed on the Windows machine already? If yes, does it support 


Goes back to "build250" (revision 95b942cb8718, https://bitbucket.org/scons/scons/changeset/95b942cb8718/), where the compat wrapper 
for the subprocess module was removed. In this test, a fake "threading.py" is added to the working dir, such that the initialization 
of the Jobs/Worker stuff should fail when trying to "import threading" and should emit a warning that parallel processing is not 
supported on this platform.
Unfortunately, we import subprocess in a lot of places and Action.py is no exception. This import happens earlier, and now throws an 
unexpected ImportError, because the compat module isn't there anymore.
Here's the start of subprocess.py on my system (Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with Python 2.7.6):

import sys
mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32")

if mswindows:
     import threading
     import msvcrt
     import _subprocess
     class STARTUPINFO:
         dwFlags = 0
         hStdInput = None
         hStdOutput = None
         hStdError = None
         wShowWindow = 0
     class pywintypes:
         error = IOError
     import select
     _has_poll = hasattr(select, 'poll')
     import fcntl
     import pickle

It shows why the test doesn't fail under Linux, subprocess.py imports "threading" only under MSWindows.

Leaves us with the question what to do about those two. Comments? Volunteers?

Best regards,


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