
moni Waiblinger-Seabridge moni2555 at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 23 10:05:17 EDT 2005

Thank you Rob, Jason, Frank, Marco and Mike
for clarifying this mystery for me! ;-)
I now know it was the Minotaur launch out of Vandenberg.

It was spectacular either way!  :-)
Have a great weekend,

>From: "moni Waiblinger-Seabridge" <moni2555 at hotmail.com>
>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: [meteorite-list]bolide?
>Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 19:48:04 -0700
>Hi Everybody,
>I have a question about a bolide.
>How does a bolide look like when it is in the sky?
>Does it look like a cork screw?
>My friend Cuc (my meteorite search partner) and I just drove home from our 
>evening walk and we spotted something in the sky towards the east that 
>looked like a cork screw pattern in the sky.
>I have no idea what this could have been.
>Sternengruss, Moni

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