[DogParkList] An idea for Don

Anthony Rodgers arodgers@mac.com
Wed, 31 Dec 2003 13:17:22 -0800

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Hi there,

Following on from recent enhancements to the awards section of 
MacLoggerDX, would it be possible (at some point in a future release) 
to make the awards panel configurable via text files? In other words, 
by placing text files with the awards entities you were interested in 
(ARLHS lighthouses, for example, or Canadian provinces, or.......) in a 
given folder, you could customize the awards panel to track the awards 
you were interested in?

Just in case you're looking for something to do.... ;-)

Happy New Year!

73 de VA7IRL,
Anthony Rodgers
Email: VA7IRL@rac.ca
Cell: 604-340-8295
Numeric Pager: 1-800-331-6351
MSN/AIM/iChat ID: arodgers@mac.com

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Hi there,

Following on from recent enhancements to the awards section of
MacLoggerDX, would it be possible (at some point in a future release)
to make the awards panel configurable via text files? In other words,
by placing text files with the awards entities you were interested in
(ARLHS lighthouses, for example, or Canadian provinces, or.......) in
a given folder, you could customize the awards panel to track the
awards you were interested in?

Just in case you're looking for something to do.... ;-)

Happy New Year!

73 de VA7IRL,


Anthony Rodgers

Email: <underline><color><param>1919,1919,FFFF</param>VA7IRL@rac.ca</color><color><param>0000,0000,FFFF</param>

</color></underline>Cell: 604-340-8295

Numeric Pager: 1-800-331-6351

