[DogParkList] MacLoggerDX cluster activity

Don Agro dagro@dogparksoftware.com
Tue, 23 Apr 2002 11:19:30 -0400

On Friday, April 19, 2002, at 01:44  PM, John E Bastin, K8AJS wrote:

> Does MLD 'ping' the cluster node every once in a while, or something? 
> The reason I ask is that at one point in the list I saw 5 'arc >' 
> prompts between incoming spots. The only time I normally get a prompt 
> is after I've sent a spot to the cluster, or if I just hit an empty 
> 'return'. I'm not used to seeing all these prompts onscreen; what's up?

I tested without the 'ping' for several days (v1.1b4) and the sessions 
did indeed timeout.

I have re-installed the 10 minute 'ping' in 1.1b5 and the sessions stay 
connected over periods of little or no activity.

I don't think 1 'ping' every 10 minutes will pose a bandwidth problem, 
but if there are any complaints I can make it an option.

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .

email: dagro@dogparksoftware.com
   www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com