[Scons-dev] SCons, Mercurial, BitBucket, Git, and GitHub

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Mon Aug 28 03:43:34 EDT 2017

Whist I can't commit to working on anything in the next few weeks, I
wanted to chip this in to the discussions.

With bookmarks, remote head tracking and hgview working (at least on
Debian Sid, not Fedora Rawhide), I have a renewed real like of
Mercurial. It is better than Git for me. However hgview now seems to be
broken – the word moved on, hgview has not been maintained – so
practical Mercurial workflow is demolished, unless I can find an
equivalent replacement, "hg log -G" just doesn't cut it.

BitBucket really seems to be loosing dramatically to GitHub as the
central resource for distributed version control – central being
critical to distributed has to count as the ultimate irony of software
development. The connectedness of pull requests, issues, CI, etc. on
GitHub is a workflow model that BitBucket seems to have lost somewhere
since Atlassian took it over, promoted Git over Mercurial and lost
track of how to keep FOSS people happy to promote a commercial product.
Much is wrong with GitHub, but it is far superior to BitBucket, which
is a 2017 tragedy.

I believe that switching SCons from Mercurial to Git on BitBucket, and
then moving the repository to GitHub is the right thing to do, and the
sooner the better. But as I said at the outset, I can't help for a few
weeks yet.

Once SCons itself is on GitHub, I will migrate all the separate tools
and plugins repositories that I have control over to GitHub from
BitBucket – even though I prefer Mercurial over Git. I will then update
the wiki page – will this transfer to GitHub? or maybe the current
website and wiki provision is secure?

The question then has to be how to bring the issues from Tigris to
GitHub. GitHub issues has an API. If Tigris Issues also has an API then
it is a question of writing a program, I guess in Python3, since that
is likely easier than trying to find tools to do the job. For me, there
is no point in leaving the issues at Tigris. No matter how much better
the interface is perceived to be compared to GitHub issues, to get the
integrated workflow of GitHub, it is essential to have the issues on

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder
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