[Scons-dev] stubprocess ?

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Fri Jan 29 12:31:31 EST 2016

Hi Vasily,

looking at your log

On 29.01.2016 12:35, Vasily wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I tried running all tests on a clean base forked from SCons bitbucket repo, and I have a number of test failures.
> Tests for SWIG and QT fail because something is strange on my box (SWIG seem to fail because I have home-built Python 2.x which is
> statically linked, i.e. it does not have libpython27.so; QT seems to be just broken).
> I cannot figure why Fortran tests fail, and for the best of me I cannot understand why CPPFLAGS test fails.
> I tried poking around, and it seems that on my box for some reason simple call to Environment() like it is done in CPPFLAGS.py test
> does not tell SCons how to build C++ sources at all!
> I'm not sure what's going on, could please someone help me?

I don't see a really big problem...your gcc/g++ seems to be found. So I think that it's safe to continue with development, while 
making sure that only the same tests fail in the end as before. Once you have something working, please send us the repo link so I, 
or some other developer, can then run the tests on their machine. We should probably do this before pushing your commits onto the 
main repo, even though we still have the Buildbot as backup to tell us if we've really screwed it up. ;)

Just keep hackin'!

Best regards,


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