[Scons-dev] Bugtracker and stuff...

Dirk Bächle tshortik at gmx.de
Thu May 8 17:46:01 EDT 2014

Hi all,

On 05.05.2014 02:45, Dirk Bächle wrote:

> On 05.05.2014 02:01, William Deegan wrote:

>> Do we know the specs of the server pair is providing us with?

>> roundup suggests mysql or postgressql for database.

>> Need be we can put roundup on the same server as buildbot.


>> I’ve installed and customized bugzilla for many many clients, so if

>> you like I can take a whack at this.

> Cool, just go ahead...I won't mind. In the meantime I'll try to figure

> out how to push attachments via xmlrpc.


I now have a first version of a Tigris->roundup importer ready, please
find the Python script attached. It's not perfect, but I could
successfully import all current 2947 issues into a roundup "demo"
instance running locally on my machine.
The things that get properly imported are:

- users, issues, attached files, single messages, keywords

. Most attributes like "priority", "status" and "assigned to" get set,
so I think it's at least good enough to setup a "demo" server for
testing out "roundup" with our tracker database.

Some things are missing (can't get copied):

- The "last activity" time for an issue, as well as the "upload time"
for files are protected items in the database. So, the timeline of
events gets skewed in some places. It might be possible to correct this
by exporting the database again in CSV/JSON (roundup itself offers this
for migration to newer versions), manipulating the data, and then
importing again. I haven't looked further into this...anyone cares to
give it a try?
- I'm not sure what to do with "depends on" and "duplicate of"
information. Roundup has a "superseder" list field, but the meaning of
it isn't clear (has no intentional meaning). So we may have to come up
with something ourselves...
- Currently no passwords are set for added users, so they can't login.
We could set the username as password too?

For my test I used the following steps:

1.) Download the Tigris bugs in XML format with

python import_tigris.py files scons import

2.) Start a local roundup "demo" (in virtualenv) with

env/bin/python demo.py nuke

3.) Push data to roundup via xmlrpc

python import_tigris.py push
http://admin:admin@localhost:8917/demo/xmlrpc import

There is also a short usage description at the start of the script. For
testing purposes you might want to move all except the first XML file
(1.xml) from the "import" folder to a safe place. Pushing all the issues
took about 3 hours on my side. ;)

Best regards,


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