[Scons-dev] What to replace the wiki with?

yegle cnyegle at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 11:14:46 EST 2014

On Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 6:00 AM, Gary Oberbrunner <garyo at oberbrunner.com> wrote:
> I would like to find a system that has some kind of online editor/previewer,
> rather than a pure clone/edit/push/pull-request system (whether it's git or
> hg), because sometimes you want to see how your markup will actually look on
> the site before pushing it.  (Dirk, I think that would also help the
> "occasional contributor" overhead you're concerned about.)

Actually, github support this kind of edit. For a markdown file in a
github repo, you can click the edit button and modify it, during which
you can preview the document in real time. After editing, if you are
the owner/committer/admin of the repo, you can create a new commit. If
not, you can propose a pull request.


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