[meteorite-list] ET Question

John Lutzon jl at lutzon.com
Fri Mar 24 16:54:44 EDT 2023


       Little green men, I think not. Spending 7 figures to Possibly find another fall/classification over a mile underwater seems 
   be a waste of resources. It took 22 years to recover a large, known location object -- Liberty Bell 7.

      So, to ET:
                      If Voyager, which is presently 14+ billion miles out, somehow crashed where it too was observed & recovered 
                 it be considered ET. Same with the remnants of the DART probe. To me, it seems like a bunch of semantics with the
                 added waste of time and someone else's money. If it shows up here from out there it Is ET
         I'm still waiting for a large chunk of a room temperature superconductor to land in my mailbox ---- mailbox will be for 

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