[meteorite-list] AD - Last three specimens of NWA 3329 diogenite (related to the NWA 2968 ungrouped dunitic achondrite) and ebay sales ending...

Fabien Kuntz wwmeteorites at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 24 15:22:39 EST 2012


on my website, now the three last specimens of the rare diogenite NWA 3329. This achondrite is linked with the famous dunitic NWA 2968 ungrouped achondrite, as described in the J-A Barrat publication : 


All specimens have shiny opx when moving them (so hard to picture !), and the smallest have a very nice gemmy "garnet-like" colored opx ! 


And this week, close to 90 meteoritic ebay items, ending soon, mostly started 0.01$ and still at good/low price, including lodranite, Buzzard Coulee slice, nice Tatahouine... 



Fabien Kuntz
Météorites (ventes, expertise, conférences)
Animation scientifique et technique
WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017)

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