[meteorite-list] a free poster as thank-you for you

m42protosun m42protosun at t-online.de
Wed Jun 15 17:43:49 EDT 2011

Dear friends,
I've luckily bettered my third mengitis/encephalitis in my 70 years life. In the last two weeks I have read nearly thousand of your emails send to "Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com". It helped me to find back to normal life.

Now, I will say thank-you to you with a nice poster from my collection "the inner structure of meteorites" in the poster-size of 12,000 x 9,000 pixels.
This posters show a magnification of nearly 400 x.   

The first 25 members, who send an email to  << uwefigge at hotmail.com >> with a short text and the pic no. will get this poster free as attachment to an email.
Look at:


and decide what pic you want.
best regards
Uwe Figge

Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse @t-online.de sichern und endlich Platz für tausende Mails haben.

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