[meteorite-list] [IMCA] Collateral Damage.

Richard A. Kowalski kowalski at lpl.arizona.edu
Sun Jul 3 15:30:42 EDT 2011


I'm a little disappointed that the Count used an inflammatory subject 
line, but I think understand the reason behind its use. I expected and 
am not surprised to see the bashing of the Meteorite Men show. I've 
shared my opinions about the show in the past so will not say more about 
it other than I doubt very much the show had anything to do with this event.

(BTW, if I am not mistaken, the 3rd season is in production right now, 
so my guess is any program ideas might get considered if they get a 
season 4...)

I'm in more of the opinion that the Count met with grifters. Jim 
Wooddell first mentioned this idea on the Met List so I am in agreement 
with him on this.

The whole thing sounds suspicious to me. It sounds more likely that 
their hope was to meet with someone who did NOT know what they were 
doing and sell their crap to him. Maybe I'm wrong here. Count spent time 
with these people and has a better vantage point, but as soon as they 
showed up unexpected, a day early, the red flag started waving for me.

Count mentions the "husband". Here's a strange bird. Seriously, do you 
know of any man who has children to feed, that will allow anyone to 
essentially give away all their worldly possessions just for a box of rocks?

I certainly hope the truth is this and not the story that was told to 
Count. That indeed would be sad. I also hope the Count stops giving out 
his home address to complete strangers. A neutral location to meet is 
always a much better idea. The next "seller" may not be so friendly and 
be more interested in taking possession of his collection than adding to 

Cheers from balmy Tucson. Only reaching 40C (105F) today!

Richard A. Kowalski

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