[meteorite-list] Meteorites 101

lebofsky at lpl.arizona.edu lebofsky at lpl.arizona.edu
Sat Jan 15 23:18:35 EST 2011

Hello Stuart:

We have had this "conversation" before.

Your second question(when does an asteroid become a meteoroid): There is
no real minimum asteroid size or maximum meteoroid size. When it comes up
as a question, I usually say 5 or 10 meters is the crossover. Also, if an
asteroid gets hit by something else, it will make lots of meteoroids!

Your second question (when does a meteoroid become an asteroid): any small
object that is not a comet (or man-made) when it has been observed and an
orbit around the Sun is determined (even poorly) is an asteroid. The Minor
Planet Center gives designations to asteroids (minor planets), not
meteoroids. So, this could mean that an object only a few meters in
diameter can be given asteroid status.


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