[meteorite-list] A meteor shower burst.

Steve Schoner schoner at mybluelight.com
Fri Sep 10 13:45:18 EDT 2010

Last night, at about 1 AM  here in Flagstaff,  I was going from my rental to my house and I saw a flash on the horizon.   There were no clouds, and the sky was perfectly clear, and I wondered what that flash was.  I looked up into the sky, and then I saw three bright meteors, one after the other over the span of 2 seconds.

They were as bright as Jupiter, which was high up, mid transit in the sky.   Blue white in color they left no persistent train and were very fast, lasting maybe 1/2 th second duration, traveling 10 to 15 degrees each.

I was quite amazed, as it seemed for an instant that a great meteor storm was brewing.   The initial flash that caused me to look up and the three after spanning maybe 4 seconds and to see 4 meteors...

I stayed out for another half hour hoping... But nothing more...

Anyone else see something like that last night?

Steve Schoner
IMCA #4470

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