[meteorite-list] NWA 5363 UNGROUPED OR BRACHNITE

Starsinthedirt at aol.com Starsinthedirt at aol.com
Sat Jul 24 19:31:37 EDT 2010

Hi Kai,  I was VERY careful to not say I  had any opinion on pairing.  How 
could you read into what I said and say  that I said they were paired?

Carl's recent post (same thread)  includes a letter from Dr. Jambon where 
he (Dr. Jambon) said they are  paired.

This is not the first email I have received on the subject.   I think those 
are some real cool shots of NWA 5363 way up close.  Did any  one like the 


In a message dated 7/24/2010 4:19:38 P.M.  Mountain Daylight Time, 
torontokai at gmail.com writes:
Hi Tom,

I am  confused by your post. You memtioned that 5363 is 5400 paired.
But NWA5400 is  a brachnite like but not a brachnite due to its
terrestial osotope. It is a  terrestial meteorite or ungrouped. To be a
brachnite and nwa5400 paired is a  contradiction to me. Anyway I cannot
find the  5363 on meteotitical  bulletin.

Just post my thinking for your  consideration.



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