[meteorite-list] OFF-TOPIC - Fake Lunar Landing Response

tracy latimer daistiho at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 24 13:45:42 EDT 2010

> Why was there no direct Tv Feed - 

This one I can speak to.  Ever since the movie "The Dish", I've 'looked into' the Parkes Radio Telescope.  The story as depicted in the movie is relatively correct, aside from a bit of dramatic license.  Parkes was supposed to be a backup for the main video feed from the first Lunar broadcast, got bumped to main, and filled its responsibilities admirably in picking up and broadcasting the lunar feed, live.  Several of the original techs who ran the telescope at that time are still around today; why not check with them about what they remember from that first broadcast?  If you accuse them of faking the signal, well, I'm pretty sure you won't receive any offers of a 'stubbie' down at the local pub...

Mythbusters did a fairly comprehensive debunking of some of the most common quibbles anti-moon-landing theorists have.  Feel free to look it up.

Tracy Latimer
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