[meteorite-list] The Zamashan impact and human evolution

E.P. Grondine epgrondine at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 11 14:50:45 EDT 2009

Hello - 

Given the somehwat heated debate here several years ago on the effects on human evolution of the Zamanshan Impact, the following item is of interest:


One should note especially the problem of taxa the excavators hit with these finds. But whatever the name, it appears that we have a common ancestor to Homo Heidelbergensis/Homo Sapiens here, and the hit at Zamanshan occured in the midst of their range.

(I would suggest that an apology might be in order (ahem), but instead I'll simply state that replacement copies of "Man and Impact in the Americas" are available to meteorite list participants at the usual list special price in the case where their copy was used for other purposes.)



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