[meteorite-list] Naked Science: Countdown to Impact

Richard Kowalski kowalski at lpl.arizona.edu
Tue Dec 1 14:07:13 EST 2009

Sorry for a little self promotion, but a reminder to those of you in the US that 
"Naked Science: Countdown to Impact" will premier on the National Geographic 
Channel Thursday night.

This episode is about the discovery of 2008 TC3, the identification of it being 
an Earth impactor and the recovery and study of the Almahata Sitta meteorites 
that resulted.

The program's website:


now has more information, along with video blogs from the production crew and 
some still images from the show.

Richard Kowalski
Catalina Sky Survey
Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ  85721

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