[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

Steve Schoner schoner at mybluelight.com
Sun Aug 30 11:36:49 EDT 2009


Right pure brain power in the 5th century B.C.   Had the Greeks not fallen to the forces of that day, and progressed, I think Mankind would have gone to the moon a thousand years ago.   Our species had to have a few hard knocks before we here in America did it.

Brain power though, look at Einstein?  In his early 20's without any scientific equipment at his disposal he tied together the observations of those that did and came up with the theories of Relativity, and also electromagnetism. 

Studying his life-- It just blows me away, and demonstrates the power of the human intellect. 

But the subject at hand...  I cannot accept that this Universe in all its vastness has only us here on earth as the only intelligent species.   Considering what certain meteorites reveal regarding the universal proliferation of biologic prerequisite compounds, we being the only ones would be nothing less than miraculous.  Then again, alien beings might very well be aware of us, and might just eradicate us as a universal nuisance.

Did not Steven Hawking give a warning about our desire to contact alien beings?   He pointed out that our own history shows what happens when an advanced civilization meets one less advanced.    In this regard, how many of you remember that old Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man"-- Could very well be the truth.

I f you have not seen "To Serve Man", it can be viewed on the Internet.

Steve Schoner 
IMCA #4470

Message: 14
Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 21:41:05 -0400
From: "Phil Whitmer" <prairiecactus at rtcol.com>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted
To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Message-ID: <1FED8888B40F4027B171CF36C27C8F07 at whitmerjbqtim1>
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Yes they were fools.  See my reference to Democritus and Diogenes. These men 
and the other Greek Classical Philosophers, weren't fools.  (With the 
possible exception of Aristotle.)  They pretty much laid the groundwork for 
everything we know today, and they did it in the 5th Century BC.  And they 
didn't need no stinking mass spectrometer to do it either.  It was pure 
brain power.   Btw, your arguments are starting to deteriorate into personal 
attacks.  Funny, but still personal.  I expected more from you.

Phil Whitmer 

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