[meteorite-list] Alien Contact Predicted

Phil Whitmer prairiecactus at rtcol.com
Sat Aug 29 22:20:39 EDT 2009

I'm sorry you feel that way, I was just using Pro Lifer logic. I tried to 
use humor instead of a personal attack.  I'm starting to tire of being 
called stupid and ignorant because I won't go along with the consensual 
reality consensus around here which is:  I believe in Little Green Men and I 
don't need no stinking evidence to back it up!  The main argument I've 
gotten is this: I'm really smart and I believe in Little Green Men from 
Outer Space without a shred of evidence to back it up; you don't so you must 
be really dumb!  I really expected with all the astrophysicists, exo 
biologists, astronomers, math and physics whizzes, NASA scientists, and the 
rest of this ragtag group of misfits, I would get some solid answers. I got 
nothing but the idiotic drake equation (to show my derision, I refuse to 
capitalize it).  I'm starting to get a sense of a lemming mentality. I know 
I'm in way over my head,  I got a D- in second semester calculus for 
chrissakes!  (Though I did get a B in advanced probability theory.)  So I 
can't argue theoretical physics very well.  What I do have is a modicum of 
common sense, which tells me there are no Little Green Men.

Now can we please drop this and get back to a juicy discussion of the latest 
escapades of our favorite meteorite dealers?

Where in the hell is Enrico Fermi when you really need him?

Phil Whitmer 

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