[meteorite-list] unclean gao givaway

GREG LINDH geeg48 at msn.com
Thu Jul 26 01:06:47 EDT 2007

       Hi Mal,

    Let me help you out.  You are *not* a whiner, nor is your skin too thin, 
and you don't need to ask anyone for forgiveness.  All you've done is to 
call a spade a spade.  Your analysis of the situation here is accurate (and 
I know that I'm burning some bridges by writing that).  So be it.
    I started collecting meteorites about a year ago.  When I found out that 
there was a "meteorite hunter/collector" community, I was thrilled.  My wife 
and I moved to Prescott Valley, AZ from Northern CA about a year and a half 
ago.  We went to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show last year.  I wanted to 
meet and rub elbows with the "veterans" of this cool hobby.  Some people at 
the show were open, warm, and inclusive.  Others were less than cordial.  I 
remember being in the room of one of the best known hunter/collectors.  I 
mentioned to him that I had purchased an unclassified, ordinary chondrite, 
from NWA, and because as a newbie, I wanted to know what it looked like on 
the inside, and didn't have a diamond saw, I broke a piece off with a 
hammer.  Well, this man and another well known hunter looked at each other, 
shook their heads, and laughed a laugh that was anything but friendly.  It 
was a "put down" laugh....and it wasn't in my imagination.  I learned some 
lessons at that show....not all of them about meteorites.
    I've met some genuinely nice people in the meteorite community.  Most of 
them have contacted me privately (not on the list) and have welcomed me with 
open arms.  One actually met with me a couple of months ago down in Phoenix. 
  He spent a couple of hours showing me how to use my new metal detector and 
also telling me many of the "in's and out's" of meteorite hunting.  To him, 
and to all those who have shown me respect and have treated me kindly, I 
say, "thank you very much"!  To those who would treat me or any novice in a 
belittling, condescending way, I say, "no great loss".
    We all share a common passion.  It's shame that doesn't translate into a 
more charitable, accepting community.

    Greg Lindh

>From: Mal Bishop <magbish3 at lowcountry.com>
>To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>CC: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] unclean gao givaway
>Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 21:27:20 -0400
>My simple question is: where is the moderator, or why is there no 
>moderator!  I remember way back, some 4 years and more, when a certain then 
>member named Joel Warren, I believe, kept showing his rudeness, contempt, 
>and unwillingness to get along and obey the house rules he was shown the 
>Also, there was a certain other individual named Michael Casper whom was 
>shown the same door.  Looks like that is no longer an option.
>Why not a little tighter reign here.  Who's suppose to be pulling in the 
>reins a little from time to time?  I don't see anything.
>I just wanted to fit in, contribute, and learn, but with all of the 
>children on board it is nearly, if not completely, impossible!  I make no 
>bones that there are those on this list that are childish, inconsiderate, 
>some rude, some just plain dense without a clue.  I'm sick and tired of the 
>childish and very silly responses given to responses, and some of the 
>ridiculous posts that pop up in the first place.  I don't know why this 
>list is so out of control sometimes -- this list definitely proves people 
>do love watching a good train wreck. Other forums, and lists I am, or have 
>been, a member of are so much more controlled and regulated -- they just 
>don't allow or tolerate such crap!
>All of this childish, baby, school yard bickering, etc. ...it's like a 
>school of sharks or piranha after smelling blood.  I know why I left this 
>list 4 years ago, and certainly don't
>know why I came back and tried to join in.  I see perfectly that this list 
>is for the "hotshots", the "in-crowd" -- sort of like high school was.  I 
>know I sound like a whiner, and my skins too thin -- sorry, forgive me, I'm 
>the one who has to live with it, but I swear this list really puts a damper 
>on the thrill and joy of an otherwise very exciting hobby.
>In all fairness, there are those that are well above the fray who cohabit 
>this list -- well beyond reproach, but then again, too many on the opposite 
>end of the spectrum as well!
>I look up with respect to the good natured, well healed listees; however, 
>the other sort of breed, plain and simply, are just a drag,
>The anonymity of the Internet and the associated forums, and email lists 
>have really contributed to the overall lack of decorum, respect, dignity, 
>and self control that I dare the vast majority of people would not show if 
>communicating face-to-face with one another.  It also seems to me this list 
>is a microcosm for the endemic plague that is infested most all of cultured 
>and civilized peoples the world over, not just here in the US.
>There I have spoke my mind -- let's see who the grown-ups are on the list 
>versus the children.
>With my respect and dignity in check,
>At 01:40 AM 7/26/2007 +0100, Mark Crawford wrote:
>>drtanuki wrote:
>>>  Have you bothered to read the post by Bill and Ken Newton of Steve`s 
>>>history of posts?
>>Yes.  And I searched the archives.  I actually read through the archives 
>>before I signed up for the list.
>>In fact, I signed up for the list /despite/ the content of the archives 
>>(and I ain't just talking about Steve here).  I signed up because I wanted 
>>to learn more about meteorites (sorry to drag things down to that level).
>>>Steve is more than a mere annoyance! I have nothing personal against
>>>Steve as a human being, but I certainly do about his List behavior.
>>So he's a good human being, but whenever he posts to the list you want to 
>>do violence.  There's certainly an issue there.
>>>  And no, I will not cease to comment
>>Good grief - as a Scotsman living in England, I wouldn't dream of 
>>challenging your 1st amendment rights, even if you don't reside in the US. 
>>Some things are universal :)
>>Other things I believe are universal include treating people with 
>>different views, backgrounds, beliefs (and personalities) with respect.
>>>READ HIS OWN words, and IF you are still in doubt
>>>check the list archives.  I am certainly not the only
>>>one on this list that enjoys Steve`s great
>>>contributions to this list... Steve`s history is
>>>below.  Thank you Bill for kindly gleaning the archives; there
>>>about another 300+??
>>Read your own words, and decide if you're really focusing on the right 
>>things.  I'm really, really not being flippant - we've all got families, 
>>jobs, mortgages, kids...  if (collectively) you've got time to pore over, 
>>collate, precis, and repost "300+" postings from one individual who you 
>>have an issue with, are you really telling me you can't think of a better 
>>use of your time?
>>Sometimes we just need to get outside and smell the flowers.
>>More in hope than expectation,
>>Meteorite-list mailing list
>>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com
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>Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com

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