[meteorite-list] Grandstanding?

Notkin geoking at notkin.net
Sat Jul 7 13:40:27 EDT 2007

Darren Garrison posted:

 > Wanting to present it in public in the form of a giant check is  
just tacky.


Despite a serious hand injury, Maria Haas sent out over one hundred  
emails last night to ensure everyone who has contributed to, or  
helped, the raffle in some way knows that (thanks to D. Stimpson) we  
will not be present at the Haviland Festival today. I note that your  
name is absent from the list of contributors, and yet you're very  
quick to jump in and let us know what we're doing wrong.

May I suggest that you contact Maria Haas and offer her some  
assistance? She could certainly use help from someone -- such as  
yourself -- who evidently has plenty of spare time.

Regarding Stimpson's comments in Mr. Anderson's article: We as a  
group (the Greensburg volunteers) do not require any publicity for  
ourselves, and have no "agenda" other than raising funds for our  
friends and colleagues in Kiowa County. I find it ironic that Mr.  
Stimpson accused us of staging publicity stunts and furthering an  
agenda when he, himself, has staged one publicity stunt after another  
in an embarrassing attempt to ride on the coattails of Steve Arnold's  
success at Brenham. Remember last year when he found a pile of broken  
Brenham fragments in a hole, and claimed he'd discovered a bigger  
pallasite than Steve? It would all be quite funny if it weren't for  
the fact that Stimpson's pettiness has interfered with an  
international charity effort.

Darren, what you fail to realize is that presenting an oversize check  
to the Haviland State Bank is something which interests local media.  
Such an event makes for a good photo op in a small town, and our  
local stories in Kansas have, several times, been picked up by  
national media. It's a very simple premise: Media attention = more  
income generated for the fundraiser. What Stimpson has achieved is to  
limit media exposure for our event, thereby reducing the amount of  
cash we could have raised for his neighbors. I'm guessing he's not  
the most popular guy in Greensburg today.

You can reach Maria at:   dragonsoup at msn.com

Finally, we'd like to -- once again -- thank the many List members  
who chose to do something positive and participate in the Greensburg  
Charity Raffle.


Geoff N.
Greensburg Charity Volunteer

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