Thaddeus Besedin endophasy at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 31 00:03:03 EST 2006

A large BO chondrule (you can see its  parallel crystals in photo 5 at 7:00) and its POP (I think) chondrules seem to be relatively intact, resisting homogenizing metamorphic processes, which have recrystallized much of its matrix. The metal is highly heterogeneous, so I would imagine that the groundmass itself was similar in metallic proportion to the majority of LL chondrites (i.e. leucocratic silicate matrix with sparse oxidized regions). Thus, the total metal content is rather moderate. My guess is L5, not L6.

Metorman46 at aol.com wrote:   
Dean;That is a very interesting specimen,I won't guess the classification 
myself,but will congratulate you on the find and thank you for posting the 
pictures for our enjoyment.

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