[meteorite-list] Question

Mr EMan mstreman53 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 02:25:26 EST 2006

--- abdelfattah gharrad <life19maroc at yahoo.fr> wrote:

> if there were a resemblance of some criteria of
> certain meteorites with terrestrial rocks(basalt).
> the meteorites had the same processes of fusion and
> crystallization like the magmatic and volcanic
> rocks?
> Abdel.

While there are differences of scale, gravity(meaning
actual depth, temperatures and pressures) and presence
of water/gasses-- Yes we believe the processes are the
governed by the same principles.  This is why we feel
comfortable using terrestrial geological and
minerological terms to describe features in some

These petrographical types are found on bodies that
were large enough to retain the heat of radioactive
decay produced initially by Al26.  They are also
called "differentiated", which is a catch-all to
describe the fusion and recrystalization process. 


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