[meteorite-list] Re: NASA to Unveil Plans to Send 4 Astronauts toMoon in...

mark ford markf at ssl.gb.com
Fri Sep 16 08:30:15 EDT 2005

>Darren wrote:
> So, getting to the moon with the technology of the 50s/60s takes less
than >a decade, but getting to the moon with the technology of the 2000s
takes 15 >years?

Yep, sounds about right, it will take 3 times longer cost 5 times more
and we'll get less than half the science out of it, but I guess that's

Mah! - It should be a day of mourning for scientists everywhere, for all
those really important remote sensing missions that could have taught us
so much about the solar system, that will now clearly be scrapped to pay
for it all. I thought the moon landings in the 60's where worth every
penny, but with modern technology sending moon Rovers and sample returns
is by far the best approach.  - walking on the moon is nothing more than
a big part of the great propaganda machine, and it's ridiculous. 


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