[meteorite-list] Etching Compounds

stan . laser_maniac at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 11 17:02:14 EDT 2004

>Of course, the down side of using fluoridated compounds is that they can
>MAKE YOU DIE!  ...or just get burned very badly and end up in the

not to belittle the hazards of flourine, but let's keep things in 
perspective - just because something can kill you doesnt mean it cant be 
used when handled with due caution - after all drinking too much water can 
kill you, yet there is no reason to fear water.

I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that the acid solution Adam talked about 
contained nitric acid. IF thats the case then the brownish gas that was 
evolved was nitrogen dioxide - a VERY toxic gas with a lethal concentration 
ten times LOWER than that of hydrogen cyanide - the stuff that was used in 
gas chambers to execute condemned prisoner. (LC50 of 200 ppm for 1 minute vs 
2000 ppm for 1 minute for HCN). When viewed in that perspective a little bit 
of flourine here and there doesnt seem so bad.

in short - so long as you take proper safety precuations when using such 
materials you can use the stuff without worry - but sloppy chemical hygene 
can cause serious injury or, aqs you pointed out - death.

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