[DogParkList] V5 database sharing

Don Agro dagro at dogparksoftware.com
Fri Jul 10 07:16:20 EDT 2009

On 2009-07-10, at 4:02 AM, Andrea Massucco IZ1IVA wrote:

> Is there a way to force MLDX to re-read the database without closing/

> reopening the program? I've noticed that the Award pane doesn't take

> immediate notice of updates in the logbook.

The log is always current and does not ever need to be reread, the
awards panels refresh every 10 seconds or so when they are visible but
you can force an update by putting any character into one of the
search fields and then cancelling the search. I'm not sure if that
would be any quicker than waiting for the automatic refresh.

73 de VE3VRW Don Agro

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