[DogParkList] Newbie to MLDX

Lee J. Imber (KF2PC) Lee at kf2pc.org
Thu Jul 20 17:18:26 EDT 2006

Hi all, Loving MLDX!

OK a few questions.

1. I (for the 1st time) registered to eqsl.cc. I have a number of  
eQSL's waiting for me.
How do I import the "digital QSL" into MLDX? I see screenshots of a  
callsign with the eqsl icon next to it but
not sure how you import them from eqsl.cc.

2. Are eQSL's "Legal Tender" In other words If I finish a QSO can I  
just email the eqsl from MLDX right to that person?
Does this count for all the ARRL awards?

3. Printing QSL cards from MLDX.
I have been printing QSL's right from MLDX and love it.
I have been printing 1 card at a time then turning the paper around  
and printing another card on the far end
of the paper to try to have less waste. It seems that one could  
technically print 3 QSL cards on a single 8.5 X 11 sheet.
Is this function in MLDX?

4. Multiple logs.

OK here is my dilemma, I was active from the state of Maine for about  
10 years (87-97) especially on 2M SSB.
Large number of Grids and states from FN54. I now live in NY (FN31)  
and getting back on the air after being QRT for 10 years.
VUCC states that if your contacts are farther than 150 miles the FN54  
contacts are no longer valid from FN31. So, I am starting all over
again. I have all my logs from Maine (In a separate MLDX file) and I  
started a new file from here in NY.
If I merge the 2 logs together I get all my DXCC, WAS etc. but all my  
VUCC data will be combined and not valid.
Any ideas on how to get around this?

OK, thats it for now. Once I get very comfortable and familiar with  
MLDX I look forward to contributing ideas and comments.



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