[DogParkList] MacloggerDX and maps and geography

Hal Mueller halmueller at mac.com
Thu Jun 8 14:36:53 EDT 2006

Some further thoughts on this...

I asked for integration of a propagation prediction map, similar to  
DX Toolbox's, with MLDX.  Andy Russell suggested some APRS features.   
Don is already shipping a 3-d map addon.

So maybe it makes sense to publish the plugin architecture for MLDX  
addon maps?  There's already some sort of interface developed,  
although for internal use, so it might not be feasible to use it.

Then the propagation map becomes just one more addon map module.

Shapefile support would be a powerful and flexible addition (the  
Shapefile format is the de facto standard for exchange of geographic  
information among multiple vendors' software).  Supporting just the  
"point" format would add some nice EmComm utility.  I load the  
shapefile containing shelter coordinate locations, click on the  
shelter name, and my UHF beam steers around for a good data  
connection.  I load the shapefile containing current DXpedition  
locations, click on the expedition, and my HF beam points to them.  I  
load the shapefile containing current YOTREPs boat locations and I  
can work any individual vessel by clicking their callsign.

This is much more fun than actually writing my own software--all of  
the creativity and none of the mess!


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