[DogParkList] Cut and paste feature

Terrence R. Redding Ph.D. terry@oltraining.com
Tue, 30 Dec 2003 15:46:04 -0500

I was sitting here trying to cut and paste from the dxcluster list, finally
taking a screen shot of the data, when the latest dogparklist arrived.
Wonderful, that feature has now been added.

Now when I send the requested information to the local Florida DX
association I can tell them it is an extract from the MacLoggerDX program.

I just tried the feature and noticed I can only highlight one line at a
time.  But when I do the copy and paste, it appears to copy the whole
dxcluster screen of data.

Here is the report generated below.

Connected to:

Welcome to the W4ZR AR-Cluster node Telnet port!
Please enter your call: W6LMJ

Hello Terry (W6LMJ)
Welcome to the North Florida DX Association AR-Cluster Node
Located in Jacksonville, FL.
WWV: SFI=115  A=5  K=2 R= 56 No storms=>No storms 12/30/2003 18:00Z
Your last login was 12/30/2003 18:46Z
TIP: SH/TIP - Shows a random operating tip
63 nodes, 4 local / 257 total users  Uptime 217 23:56
W6LMJ de W4ZR    30-Dec 2029Z  arc >
DX de W7GJ:      50190.0  W7GJ         CQ JT65 1st, EU Moonset      K 2028Z
sh/dx ya 20
 14215.0  YA/DL8AMB   30-Dec-2003 1346Z                            YA
 14270.0  YA/DL8AMB   30-Dec-2003 1303Z  CQ CQ...                  YA
 14205.3  YA1TM       30-Dec-2003 1138Z                            YA
 14199.0  YA/DL8AMB   28-Dec-2003 1432Z  Afganistan                YA
 14199.0  YA/DL8AMB   28-Dec-2003 1353Z  s8 with much noise        YA
W6LMJ de W4ZR    30-Dec 2029Z  arc >
