[DogParkList] Expiring 3.5 and 3.6 betas

Don Agro dagro@dogparksoftware.com
Sun, 16 Nov 2003 10:09:54 -0500


I have received some queries regarding beta versions of MacLoggerDX 
that are expiring.
(Some of them expired today, some will expire at the end of the month).

There is an upgrade fee of $50.00 for v3.5 mentioned on the web page 
and in the email announcement that went out on the dogparklist.

The 3.5 betas were expiring betas and were plainly marked as such in 
the preferences panel and on the web page where they were posted.

The fee does not apply to the new users who have paid the new 
MacLoggerDX price of $95.00 and receive the new registration numbers.

If you decide to upgrade it's available through the regular kagi 
registration page and we email you a new registration number.

If you decide to stay with version 3.4 your old registration number 
will continue to work with it.

I regret any inconvenience this has cause, but this is the first 
upgrade fee for MacLoggerDX since it was first released more than a 
year and a half ago.

Again, you are welcome to stay with v3.4 which is still posted on the 
web page but naturally we hope you will upgrade as many others already 

73 Don Agro VE3VRW

D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .

email: dagro@dogparksoftware.com
   www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com
     iChat AV:dogpark@mac.com