[DogParkList] MacLoggerDX v3.4 Released !

Don Agro dagro@dogparksoftware.com
Wed, 1 Oct 2003 08:24:08 -0400

MacLoggerDX v3.4 Released !

Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 3.4 of MacLoggerDX
has been released and can be downloaded from:


What's New in v3.4 ?

* Added support for SARtek, hy-gain DCU-1 Pathfinder and Yaesu GS-232
   Rotator Controllers.
* Added support for MicroHAM micro BAND DECODER.
* Added HF/VHF switching to Drake R8B Driver.
* Fixed scrolled large table edit bug.
* Allow user-cancel of Internet Lookups that hang.
* Added WAS awards QSO and confirmed counter.


While you are enjoying your favourite scheduled SWL program, DX Net,
or W1AW Bulletin, MacLoggerDX is combing the internet looking for the
latest Hot DX Spot !

* Logs into your favorite telnet or TNC DXCluster and as DX Spots are
   received, tunes your radio to the spot, looks up the call and
   displays the DX station on the Grey line Map with distance and
   bearing from your station.
* If you decide to work the station, MacLoggerDX is ready to instantly
   add the QSO and your Radio's VFO information to your log, or
   optionally you can add your own info to the User Call Book for future
* MacLoggerDX will swing your beam around to work the station Direct or
   Long Path.
* Open and documented tab-delimited database with NO 3rd party DB
   import/export restrictions.
* Import/Export ADIF log files from/to PC Logging programs.
* Saves the last 100 DX Spots for quick recall.
* Looks up calls on the Internet, in QRZ CD Roms, it's internal zipcode
   database, the ARRL country and DX lists, your Log Book and your User
   Call Book.
* Automatically tracks DXCC and WAS.
* Fully compatible with eQSL.net.
* Instant Dup-Checking.
* Bands Display tracks activity by HF Ham Band and lets you quickly
   tune to the action.
* Displays email addresses and JPEG QSL Cards found on the QRZ CD Rom.
* TNC Panel for terminal access to any serial port TNC.
* Monitor, lookup and plot APRS packets from APRSServe or TNC.
* Automatic one-click generation of eQSL Cards !
* Fast and easy printing of logs, envelopes, QSL Cards and bulk
   address labels.
* Unlimited user-customizeable memories, Drag and Drop Scan List with
   adjustable delay, UTC scheduled events that automatically switch
   between summer, winter, weekend and weekday schedules, and free
   updates as the program is improved and new radio drivers added.



* Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib 1.6 or Mac OS X.
* Internet connection for Telnet DXClusters.
* Radio & TNC for Packet DXClusters.


   * Serial Port and cable for Radio Interface.
   * USB Serial Adapter.
   * QRZ CD-Rom.


Supported Radios:

Kenwood TS-50, TS-440S, TS-450, TS-570, TS-670, TS-790, TS-870, TS-940S,
         TS-950S, TS-2000, R-5000.
AOR     AR5000, AR3000A, AR7030, AR8200, AR8600.
Icom    IC-703, IC-706, IC-706MkII, IC-706MkIIG, IC-737, IC-746,
         IC-746Pro, IC-756, IC-756Pro, IC-756ProII, IC-781, IC-970, R71A,
         R75, R735, R8500, R9000, PCR-1000.
Yaesu   FT-1000MP, FT-1000D, FT-990, FT-920, FT-900, FT-897, FT-890,
         FT-857, FT847, FT-817, FT-100.
JRC     JST-245, NRD-525, NRD-535, NRD-545.
Elcraft KIO2.
Drake   R8B.
Ten-Tec Jupiter, Argonaut V, RX-320.
Racal   6790/GM.
Alinco  DX-77

Supported Rotator Controllers:

Yaesu   GS-232
hy-gain DCU-1 Pathfinder

More added all the time... (If you don't see your rig in the list,
   just ask)

Supported Antenna Switches:

microHAM micro Band Decoder



This is a free upgrade for registered MacLoggerDX users.

MacLoggerDX has been thoroughly tested with the iMac, iBook, G3, G4,
   G4-Cube, MacOS 9 & Mac OS X (10.0 to 10.3)

MacLoggerDX must be registered to work beyond the 10 minute time limit.



Best Regards,
Don Agro

D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .

email: dagro@dogparksoftware.com
   www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com
       iChat AV:dogpark@mac.com