[DogParkList] MacLoggerDX v1.1b3

Don Agro dagro@dogparksoftware.com
Thu, 18 Apr 2002 21:26:46 -0400

MacLoggerDX v1.1b3 Released !

Dog Park Software is pleased to announce that version 1.1b3 of MacLoggerDX
has been released and can be downloaded from:


What's new in this version ?

* Log panel and User Call Book panel editable, can delete records.
* ADIF Import.
* Portable prefix code fixed.
* Check for speech manager on startup.
* Band plan bugs fixed, 30m added.
* Added version string.
* IC-706 driver tested (Thanks Barry Delong VA3BJD)
* FT-1000MP driver tested (Thanks John Bastin K8AJS)
* Log corruption bug fixed.


While you are enjoying your favourite scheduled SWL program, DX Net, or
W1AW Bulletin, MacLoggerDX is combing the internet looking for the latest
Hot DX Spot !


*    MacLoggerDX will automatically log into your favourite telnet DXCluster
     and as DX Spots are received, tune your radio to the spot, look up the
     call and display the DX station on the Greyline Map.
*    MacLoggerDX can look up calls in QRZ CD Roms, it's internal zipcode
     database, the ARRL country and DX lists, your log book and your User
     Call Book. 
*    If you decide to work the station, MacLoggerDX is ready to instanly add
     the QSO and your Radio's VFO information to your log, or optionally you
     can just add your own info to the User Call Book for future reference.
*    MacloggerDX also features 200 user-customizeable memories,
     user-customizeable UTC scheduled events that automatically switch
     between summer, winter, weekend and weekday schedules, and free updates
     as the program is improved and new radio drivers added.


*    Mac OS 9 with CarbonLib or Mac OS X.
*    Serial Port and cable for Radio Interface.
*    Internet connection for Telnet DXClusters.

Supported Radios:

* Kenwood TS-50, TS-570, TS-2000
* AOR A3000A
* Icom IC-706, IC-746, IC-746Pro, IC-756, IC-756Pro, IC-756ProII, R-71A,
* Yaesu FT-1000MP
* JRC JST-245
* Elcraft KIO2
* More added every day (If you don't see your rig in the list, just ask)


MacLoggerDX must be registered to work beyond the 15 minute time limit.


D o g   P a r k   S o f t w a r e   L t d .
email: dagro@dogparksoftware.com
  www: http://www.dogparksoftware.com