[Wolfdev-Momentum] RE:Your Job is at stake.

Tasha Calderon Marvin@vei.net
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 20:26:41 +0500

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-2143">
<title>my world</title>

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<b><font FACE="Georgia" SIZE="5">

<p align="left">&nbsp;<p align="left">Here is a short message to tell you about
an exciting new&nbsp; aca<!>demic qual<!>ification pr<!>ogram wh<!>ich is open worldwide to adults with
exper<!>ience and achie<!>vements in their ch<!>osen profe<!>ssion. Your hard work and expe<!>rience is equal to valuable col<!>lege cred<!>its,
and if you are experienced enough we will&nbsp;mat<!>ched you with the degr<!>ee that suits you the most from rep<!>utable unive<!>rsity of
your choice.&nbsp;<p align="left">If you are a quali<!>fied profe<!>ssional in your
field, you&nbsp; have all the training, the kno<!>wledge and the li<!>fe exper<!>ience,
and the only thing now you are lacking is the de<!>gre<!>e itself&nbsp;we can help you
to gain the cor<!>rect aca<!>demic qua<!>lification to meet your life expe<!>rience and put
you in a bet<!>ter position&nbsp;in your profes<!>sional c<!>are<!>er.&nbsp;The degrees
awarded are no<!>n-accre<!>dited from an acad<!>emic point of view, you will however be
able to use them in&nbsp;your chosen car<!>eer fie<!>ld. Re<!>ad mor<!>e below on what other
peo<!>ple are say<!>ing about this pro<!>gram

<P><a href="http://www.fasttrack2004.com/fasttrack">
<img border="0" src="http://www.fasttrack2004.com/fasttrack/images/dip123.jpg" width="540" height="772">
</a><BR>If&nbsp; the sc<!>hool of your cho<!>ice is not lis<!>ted on our dat<!>abase, we
wi<!>ll try to find schools that most people want as a recommendation. Note that the
num<!>ber of reque<!>sts we receive daily for a deg<!>ree from spec<!>ific sch<!>ool we could
not lo<!>cate are too hi<!>gh for us to re<!>ply pers<!>onally to each one. Fill out
the pre-no<!>minat<!>ion form and som<!>eone w<!>ill get back to you wi<!>thin 4<!>8hrs. <a href="http://www.graduationservices.info/fasttrack"><b>cl<!>ick
here to sub<!>mit your res<!>ume for eval<!>uation</b></a><br>
<p><FONT size=5><B><a href="http://www.graduationservices.info/fasttrack/optout.php">To 
  st<S§R>op future so<S§R>licita<S§R>tion visit 
