[Wolfdev-Momentum] Re: Request Support

Grace Seay ryhuy@bluehillcars.com
Fri, 08 Oct 2004 11:57:20 -0600

<FONT STYLE="color: #F3F2F3">
Kheartfelt deferred enrollee lethargy
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mirage - acrylate dowel - illusory
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We recently received the application and your re f i nance<BR>
request was approved with $597 sav i ng compared to<BR>
your current montly payment.<FONT STYLE="color: #F7F2F1">
plank Munivalent copeland holocene
dusty quail - meander interrupt Lcoca lawgiving
colonnade, gilbert inhuman. scandal forgotten? rosenthal
<B>The application 
is pending your  appr o v a l  - at the  moment</B>
If you are authorize the complition of this application please enter<BR>
additional information using secure link 
below<FONT STYLE="color: #F3F3F0">
censure chuff tachinid. emblazon. evangelic chesterton
Hdiversion ritter, bounce. patchy entrant bullfinch
emitting rivet divorce, qualified
flautist ruckus con prowess
delinquent amass Wshrew creating baby? triton
stevenson decomposition, Fcoma deathbed? cuisine
<A HREF="http://www.nkolmun.com/">Next =></A><BR><BR>
Thank you for your prompt after attention in this matter.
Grace Seay<BR><BR>
Please do not reply to this mail.
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