[Wolfdev-Momentum] Would you like to Save thousands on your home? Mon, 04 Oct 2004 23:03:19 -0600

Erick Noell Erick Noell" <%FROM_USER@parisdinerspectacles.com
Mon, 04 Oct 2004 23:03:19 -0600

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wildwind foreseeable flirtational yappish foresound foreschooling yabbi 
yungan zephyrlike Pluckerian zapas forepurpose floodlike windage plumigerous zonoplacental foreseason 
worm fluctiferous windowpane zonation poetship woodless woodiness withdraught foredetermine 

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Dear Sir/Maddam;: WHy Rent!? Buy your house<br>
Imagine. buying your first home...it's EaZy with us!=A0=A0<br>
nllngxeoeo <br><br>

 we're a direct lend=A0er, so we can A.P.P.R.O.V.E your lo an within 27hrs=
   *- Atten Renters: Need TO refinance or get Home Loan?<br>
   *-- Still renting?!? You`re paying a mortg age...someone else's!<br>
   *- Atten Renters: Need TO refinance or get a Home Loan?<br><br>

<a HreF=3D"http://www.infobeanz.biz/green/m1c/?875539485976%RNDWORD">Buy y=
er House Here ->> CIick</a>
