[Wolfdev-Momentum] VIA'GRA for the price of two condoms! (hhsrwn)

gonzalo swe4etp07@hotmail.com
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 05:16:37 GMT

<CENTER><TABLE cellpadding=10 border=1><TR><TD bgcolor=#A0A0FF align=center><A HREF="http://aibolita.net/gv/index.php?pid=eph9106"><FONT 
SIZE=+3 face=arial><B>VI`AG'RA</B> for as low<BR>as $1.80 a 
dose!!</FONT></A></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><BR><FONT SIZE=+1 face="comic sans 
MS">Delivered discreetly in an <A HREF="http://aibolita.net/gv/index.php?pid=eph9106"><FONT COLOR=RED>unmarked 
envelope</FONT></A> to your door.<BR><BR><FONT SIZE=+1 face=arial>No one needs to know, <A 
HREF="http://aibolita.net/gv/index.php?pid=eph9106"><FONT color=red>surprise her</FONT></A>!!
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