[Wolfdev-Momentum] Fwd: Got Pills? We Prescribe Online and Shipped To Your Door with No Prescriptions.

Alice Pace Alice Pace" <brtasthl@cablespeed.com
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 16:50:53 +0400

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<p align="left"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Re: Wolfdev, 	</font></p>
<p align="justify"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">improving the quality of people's lives is what <strong>Prescription Medications</strong> are designed to do and <strong>R</300258>xMedi</34839>catio</7039>ns</strong> believes that you deserve access to these medications. By having doctors available to review your needs, <strong>R</300258>xMedi</34839>catio</7039>ns</strong> is ready to help you get the treatment you need.</font></p>
<p align="justify"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Your medical history will be reviewed by one of our U.S. licensed physicians, and upon approval a prescription will be issued for an FDA-approved medication of your choice.</p>
<p align="justify"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><strong>No prescription required</strong>, no long lengthy forms to fill out. So why wait choose your product and start living a healthier live today.</font> </p>
<p align="left"><font size="2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://www.madder8828biz.us/g17/"><b>Start Saving. Order your Medications Here.</b></a></font></p>
<P align="left"><FONT COLOR="#616161" SIZE="-3" FACE="Arial"><A HREF="http://www.madder8828biz.us/4.ddd">Thanks, but I would ask you to stop.</A></FONT>
