[Wolfdev-Momentum] Next Generation V-I-A-G-R-A! Not herbal!

lewis gll@hotmail.com
Thu, 19 Feb 2004 06:42:54 GMT

"I went from about 6in. to over 7.5 in 90days!" - JL - Tulsa, OK


"NOT only the SIZE increased..but also the feeling!" - ER - Dallas, TX


"I grew about 2in - and more so..remain rock-hard during love making. I owe it
all to Maxaman! Not bad for a 56 year old."  MT - Pensacola, FL


wguh   gauthier  carta rose001  viglucci songuha 
mgdoyle  Curtis    mahoney scarlett jbanas  maevan  Chiefs rael apache  roygbiv pushp <U> belal alice  vello
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