[Wolfdev-Momentum] to the rescue

Keisha Riley Keisha Riley" <uruqqarzq@mznytar.com
Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:43:11 +0400

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<font color=FCFCFC size=1>on the climate of the site, the time of the day and the year, the latitude, light and shadow, and so on. But the optimal temperature of the animal does not change according to the ambient temperature.</font>
<table border=1 cellspacing=1 cellpadding=10 width=600 bordercolor=ffffff>
<tr><td bgcolor=F4FDFF bordercolor=0078F0><the heat in the treetops became a drawback as the feathers prevented them from being sun-heated and the air sack-system cooled them off, lowering their body-temperature beneath the optimal for activity. Therefore >
<font size=2 face=verdana color=000000>
<center><font color=FF6464 size=6 face=tahoma><b>©heäpeSt MediÇåtIons</b></font><br><font color=000000>High QuálIty<br>$hïp to all CountrIe§<br>70% off <temperature of the animal's body is close to this optimal temperature. >DiScount</font><br><br></center>
<a href=http://bract%2E%7a%6e%6e%79%6f%75%61%2ecom/%RND_DIR/?http://www.muffin.net target=_blank><font size=6 face=arial color=0000CA><u><b>Click to Enj0y 0ur offe-r</b></font><br></u></a><br></center><from the anaesthetic character of the reptilian inactivity, as relevant impressions of the senses wake the animal up to sudden necessary activity, flight or defence. >
</td></tr></table><font color=FCFCFC size=1>The optimal temperature of the vital processes is - within limits - a matter of adaptation, governed by the principle of natural selection. Animals, which constantly live in cold environments, may adapt to this </font>
