[Wolfdev-Momentum] You went to school and got no diploma? We can fix that...

Son Mayberry Son Mayberry" <iemzkkzlgetku@maptel.es
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 17:25:03 -0200

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!d>st<!z>e<!m>r<!l>s<!y>,<!x> <!t>MB<!y>A<!f>, <!z>an<!n>d<!u> Doc<!w>t<!j=
>o<!z>ra<!r>te (PhD)<!b> <!w>d<!e>iplo<!x>m<!l>a!<BR>&nbsp; 
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> <BR>&nbsp;</P></FONT>
<font color=3D"#fffff1">hanselflaky sanderson tedious strengthen calcutta =
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      <P><FONT size=3D4><SPAN lang=3Dzh-cn>W</SPAN></FONT><FONT size=3D+0>=
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<font color=3D"#fffff0">buthebrew anabel handlebar datum medic adobe mantr=
ap argillaceous lung helical tenspot baton=20faulkner</font>
