[Wolfdev-Momentum] Fwd: high quality

Denis Seay uvaxfsiakpzn@msn.com
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 14:51:06 -0200

<font size="2" color="#FFFFCD">The proof of my noble extraction is, that, in the baptismal register to be found in the Church of the Three Bishops, the day of my birth, and likewise the fact of my baptism, are inscribed.</font>
  <a href="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f"><img src="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f/a22t.gif" border="0" > 
  <img src="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f/a22b.gif" border="0"></a> 
 There had been a storm, and the trees looked as if they had been snowballing one another; but Susy had no eye for trees, and just then hardly cared for her pony.
 As for closing their eyes again, they would have scorned the idea.