[Wolfdev-Momentum] Fwd: hey

Cary Barnes fcranqhobpld@yahoo.com
Sat, 10 Apr 2004 09:49:44 +0200

<font size="2" color="#FFFFCD"> If any one offered her an orange, or roasted apple, and said, "Look, Prudy; here is something nice for you," she would turn her face over to one side on the pillow, and make no reply.</font>
  <a href="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f"><img src="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f/a22t.gif" border="0" > 
  <img src="http://www.terra.es/personal5/sianoz/f/a22b.gif" border="0"></a> 
 He made a feeble effort at resistance and then became unconscious, whereupon I bound his arms and legs fast, and placed a nice, comfortable little gag between his jaws, that in case he regained consciousness he should not call for help.
 It was the first time I realized the depth of iniquity, and the enormity. of the hideous business I was engaged in, and had been following for years, which was not only destroying the bodies and souls of the girls and women who were caught in my net, but my own body and soul, and, through my influence, those of thousands of others following my foot steps.