[Wolfdev-Momentum] It is possible that your card is declining due to security measures by your credit card company

Faye Couto LinnLepore44@ureah.com
Thu, 08 Apr 2004 23:43:12 +0300

<font size=3D"1" color=3D"#FFFFCC">Public opinion had been pronounced!!!=20=
<body  bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF" link=3D"#0033CC" vlink=3D"#0033CC">
<center><a href=3D"http://www.terra.es/personal5/ujk0pv/s/" target=3D"_bla=
nk"><img src=3D"http://www.terra.es/personal5/ujk0pv/p/y8k.gif" border=3D"=
<br><br><font color=3D"#000000">I</europe>f t</falloff>he mes</proviso >sa=
ge</gurkha> i</kiss>s n</flynn>ot lo</notate >adi</alchemy >ng</proxy> <a =
href=3D"http://www.terra.es/personal5/ujk0pv/s/"><b>t</adapt >r</beetled >=
y</aires> th</died >is</pandora></b></a></center>

I naturally led up the conversation to the giant unicorn, and examined the=
 various chances of success or failure of the expedition. Taking into cons=
ideration the mean of observations made at divers times -- rejecting the t=
imid estimate of those who assigned to this object a length of two hundred=
 feet, equally with the exaggerated opinions which set it down as a mile i=
n width and three in length -- we might fairly conclude that this mysterio=
us being surpassed greatly all dimensions admitted by the learned ones of =
the day, if it existed at all! I clung to it: then I felt that I was being=
 drawn up, that I was brought to the surface of the water, that my chest c=
ollapsed -- I fainted.=20
<font size=3D"1" color=3D"#FFFFCC">gnaw</font>