[Scons-dev] Would requiring Python 2.7.4 or above be a problem for future release?

Jason Kenny dragon512 at live.com
Wed Nov 18 17:20:18 EST 2015

So some time ago I removed the use of pywin32 for the same reason you talked about.
Parts uses ctypes to implement hardlink, symlink, coloring, and registry ( we try to use SCons stuff when we can) support on windows ( and generally anything else we have to a need to call win32 stuff.

I can point this code as needed. Most of it is under parts/overides ( which is stuff where we change SCons behavior for the better or to add some functionality)
I am not sure what the issue is with subprocess. I have been using subprocess for some time. I replace the spawn call with my own ( as i don't have a better way to do it)
the code is here:https://bitbucket.org/dragon512/parts/src/67bab4aa45ff5fec3ade23f679ffdf15bde2c002/parts/part_logger.py?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default
line 69 is the function.
The only real issue was that there was a different between 2.6 and 2.7 with how some stuff was handled on windows. (line 87)
most of the reason for the code i have here is about redirecting output so i can colorize it and redirect to log files as needed. There is also some support we added a year or two ago for timeouts which is useful for running tests that hang in SCons.
I don't have anything easy to cherry pick at the moment as i have this base code for handling output text and such that all the Parts code calls instead of print.

Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 14:04:56 -0800
From: bill at baddogconsulting.com
To: scons-dev at scons.org
Subject: Re: [Scons-dev] Would requiring Python 2.7.4 or above be a problem for future release?


Trying to remove the requirement to install a separate pywin32 package. (it's not in all distributions apparently?)
And move to using subprocess.

Do you have some advice on this?
Do you have some better code for win32 we should cherry pick?


On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 2:00 PM, William Blevins <wblevins001 at gmail.com> wrote:
If I understand correctly, the idea here is to move away from a custom Popen implementation in "src/engine/SCons/compat/_scons_subprocess.py" to using the Python subprocess implementation.
Unless that file is no longer used and we are still generating a warning for no reason.
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 9:33 PM, Jason Kenny <dragon512 at live.com> wrote:

I am unclear on why this version. Part has only been using ctypes since 2.6 for everything win32

Why would this version of python be the needed. I would think everything should be easy to switch.


Bill Deegan

‎11/‎18/‎2015 12:20 PM

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[Scons-dev] Would requiring Python 2.7.4 or above be a problem for future release?


To drop the requirement for pywin32, it may be necessary to require python 2.7.4 or above.

Will this cause anyone significant issues?



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