[Scons-dev] Status of Issue Tracker at scons.tigris.org

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Tue May 27 02:27:38 EDT 2014

On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 8:35 PM, Dirk Bächle <tshortik at gmx.de> wrote:
> On 14.05.2014 15:28, anatoly techtonik wrote:
>> On Tue, May 13, 2014 at 7:38 PM, Dirk Bächle <tshortik at gmx.de> wrote:
>>> On 13.05.2014 13:50, Michael Haubenwallner wrote:
>>>> I'm wondering if the Issue Tracker still is used by the SCons
>>>> developers,
>>> it's still the only official tracker that we have...and use.
>> I am trying to patch Roundup to provide features that tigris.org had, but
>> the
>> process is slow. I've added Jinja2 support, cleaned up code a bit. But
>> there
>> are still things that needs to be implemented for it to become worthy of
>> moving to. For example, single click Google Authentication for which I
>> need
> it's really cool that you're taking some action on this. I, personally,
> don't need all the old Tigris features to work with a bugtracker...and I
> won't mind if we have no single-signon at the start either.

SSO stuff is the obstacle that prevents me from using Roundup, so I
unlikely to be interested in other customizations until this feature is ready.

> It probably doesn't have to be perfect for making the initial switch, as
> long as the basic data structures won't change later on.
> Are there any real showstoppers left, like "we can't attach files to a
> message"?

I don't know. There is no list of features that we need from bugtracker.
I can start one:

 [ ] login
   [ ] login into tracker with separate username/pass (use email as id)
   [ ] register new account by email
     [ ] optional registration confirmation (for future spam prevention)
     [ ] optional captcha
   [ ] add additional auth to existing email (Google Auth, etc.)

 [ ] create tickets
   [ ] create workflow
     * new  - not reviewed
     * open - problem acknowledged
     * needinfo   - auto-close in 1 month
     * closed
   [ ] milestones
   [ ] versions reported against
   [ ] flags / tags / keywords

 [ ] attach files
   [ ] view patches as text
     [ ] add custom view handler

 [ ] view reports
   [ ] summary table as in tigris tracker

 [ ] custom queries
 [ ] beautiful URLs

> From my recent experiments with "roundup" I got the impression that it is
> pretty much "ready to go" for our purposes. And if we don't have all the
> triaging processes in place like we used to, why care about the exact
> copying of subfields like "priority" or "subcomponent"? They don't seem to
> be used in a consistent fashion anyway. ;)

Triaging process needs to be resurrected once tracker is in place. It not
only helps to see that project is not dead, but also to dedicate time to join
the session.

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