[Scons-dev] Big pull requests

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 04:35:48 EDT 2014

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 7:31 PM, Russel Winder <russel at winder.org.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, 2014-03-19 at 23:08 +0300, anatoly techtonik wrote:

> […]

>> 3. Transform into MQ and try to apply them on top on current head

>> (basically an incremental rebase).


> Is there an example of doing this anywhere?

Given that B and D are your starting and final revisions.

# mark revisions as draft in case they were already shared
hg phase --draft --force B:D
# make changesets an applied patch queue
# (stores them as patches in .hg/patches)
hg qimport -r B:D
# pop changesets (removes patches from history)
hg qpop -a

# update to new root of your patches
hg up

# apply changesets
# (you can omit -a flag to apply one by one)
hg qpush -a

# if revision conflicts, use q* commands to fix it
# qdiff - show changes not included in applied patch
# qrefresh - add new changes to a patch

# once you apply all patches, make them commits
hg qfinish -a

Pasted and adopter from my answer here:
anatoly t.

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