[Scons-dev] IRC logs

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Mon Jun 16 03:46:44 EDT 2014


Should we run public IRC logs?
There is occasional knowledge that can be useful.

We can use the same bot as #pypy uses.

I am not operator, so I can not setup. Setup is:
1. register with botbot.me
2. change channel topic to include link to logs

/msg chanserv access #scons list

 Entry Nickname/Host          Flags
 ----- ---------------------- -----
 1     TTimo                  +AFRfiorstv [modified ? ago]
 2     AJC                    +ARiorstv [modified ? ago]
 3     GregNoel               +t [modified 4 years, 24 weeks, 1 day,
05:11:37 ago]
 4     bdbaddog               +AORVfiorstv [modified 3 years, 16 weeks, 2
days, 06:01:17 ago]
 ----- ---------------------- -----
 End of #scons FLAGS listing.

anatoly t.
-------------- next part --------------
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