[Scons-dev] mercurial vs. git

anatoly techtonik techtonik at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 15:19:13 EDT 2013

On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 9:07 PM, Gary Oberbrunner <garyo at oberbrunner.com> wrote:

> Now that we've all been living with hg for a while, what are people's

> opinions on hg vs. git for SCons? I'll admit I'm much deeper into git these

> days and I think overall it's a better system. But I'm interested in what

> you all think. We could switch pretty easily if there was enough interest,

> or we could just stay with hg and get on with life. :-)

My choice is mostly dictated by language. If I used Git, I probably
used CMake or premake. The only advantage of Git I see is GitHub.
Otherwise both are on par. Git has logical feature branches and dumb
repeated add/commit commands. Mercurial screws feature branches
concept, but MQs are awesome.

So -1, as will require migrating to GitHub and we still haven't done
anything awesome since last migration. =/

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