[Scons-dev] Are any maintainers listening?

Eric S. Raymond esr at thyrsus.com
Thu Jun 14 11:25:40 EDT 2012

Gary Oberbrunner <garyo at oberbrunner.com>:

> Hi -- yes we are! You're not the only one who's wanted versioned shared

> libs, so this would be a welcome addition. Let me look back at your

> message (8/8/11, "soname support" I believe). I apologize for the lack of

> response last year; SCons wasn't getting a lot of love right around then

> for various reasons.

I like SCons a lot, but I was beginning to worry that the dev team had
gone so catatonic that I couldn't recommend it any more. Please try to
to disappear again?

For reference, here is my latest version of these builders:

# Cope with scons's failure to set SONAME in its builtins.
# Inspired by Richard Levitte's (slightly buggy) code at
# http://markmail.org/message/spttz3o4xrsftofr

def VersionedSharedLibrary(env, libname, version, lib_objs=[], parse_flags=[]):
platform = env.subst('$PLATFORM')
shlib_pre_action = None
shlib_suffix = env.subst('$SHLIBSUFFIX')
shlib_post_action = None
shlink_flags = SCons.Util.CLVar(env.subst('$SHLINKFLAGS'))

if platform == 'posix':
ilib_suffix = shlib_suffix + '.' + version
(major, age, revision) = version.split(".")
soname = "lib" + libname + shlib_suffix + "." + major
shlink_flags += [ '-Wl,-Bsymbolic', '-Wl,-soname=%s' % soname ]
elif platform == 'cygwin':
ilib_suffix = shlib_suffix
shlink_flags += [ '-Wl,-Bsymbolic',
'-Wl,--out-implib,${TARGET.base}.a' ]
elif platform == 'darwin':
ilib_suffix = '.' + version + shlib_suffix
shlink_flags += [ '-current_version', '%s' % version,
'-compatibility_version', '%s' % version,
'-undefined', 'dynamic_lookup' ]

ilib = env.SharedLibrary(libname,lib_objs,
SHLINKFLAGS=shlink_flags, parse_flags=parse_flags)

if platform == 'darwin':
if version.count(".") != 2:
# We need a library name in libfoo.x.y.z.dylib form to proceed
raise ValueError
lib = 'lib' + libname + '.' + version + '.dylib'
lib_no_ver = 'lib' + libname + '.dylib'
# Link libfoo.x.y.z.dylib to libfoo.dylib
env.AddPostAction(ilib, 'rm -f %s; ln -s %s %s' % (
lib_no_ver, lib, lib_no_ver))
env.Clean(lib, lib_no_ver)
elif platform == 'posix':
if version.count(".") != 2:
# We need a library name in libfoo.so.x.y.z form to proceed
raise ValueError
lib = "lib" + libname + ".so." + version
suffix_re = '%s\\.[0-9\\.]*$' % re.escape(shlib_suffix)
# For libfoo.so.x.y.z, links libfoo.so libfoo.so.x.y libfoo.so.x
major_name = shlib_suffix + "." + lib.split(".")[2]
minor_name = major_name + "." + lib.split(".")[3]
for linksuffix in [shlib_suffix, major_name, minor_name]:
linkname = re.sub(suffix_re, linksuffix, lib)
env.AddPostAction(ilib, 'rm -f %s; ln -s %s %s' % (
linkname, lib, linkname))
env.Clean(lib, linkname)

return ilib

def VersionedSharedLibraryInstall(env, destination, libs):
platform = env.subst('$PLATFORM')
shlib_suffix = env.subst('$SHLIBSUFFIX')
ilibs = env.Install(destination, libs)
if platform == 'posix':
suffix_re = '%s\\.[0-9\\.]*$' % re.escape(shlib_suffix)
for lib in map(str, libs):
if lib.count(".") != 4:
# We need a library name in libfoo.so.x.y.z form to proceed
raise ValueError
# For libfoo.so.x.y.z, links libfoo.so libfoo.so.x.y libfoo.so.x
major_name = shlib_suffix + "." + lib.split(".")[2]
minor_name = major_name + "." + lib.split(".")[3]
for linksuffix in [shlib_suffix, major_name, minor_name]:
linkname = re.sub(suffix_re, linksuffix, lib)
env.AddPostAction(ilibs, 'cd %s; rm -f %s; ln -s %s %s' % (destination, linkname, lib, linkname))
env.Clean(lib, linkname)
return ilibs

> Looking back at it, I have a few comments.

> 1. it'll need documentation. We can help with that, though if you could

> rough it out that would be helpful.

I am quite willing to write documentation. In fact, instead of just talking
about it, here it is:


Builds a versioned shared library (.so.X.Y.Z on a POSIX system,
.so.X.Y.Z.dylib under Darwin) given one or more object files or C,
C++, D or Fortran source files. If any source files are given, then
they will be automatically compiled to object files. $SHLIBPREFIX
and $SHLIBSUFFIX are honored as with SharedLibrary(). Example:

env.SharedLibrary(target='bar', version="2.3.1", source=['bar.c', 'foo.o'])

This builder may create multiple links to the library. On a POSIX system, the
links created by the example would be libbar.so.2.3.1, libbar.so.2.3, and
libbar.so.2; on a Darwin system the links would be libbar.2.3.1.dylib
and libbar.dylib.

As with SharedLibrary(), any object files listed in the source must
have been built for a shared library (that is, using the
SharedObject() builder method). scons will raise an error if there is
any mismatch.


Behaves like Install(), but takes versioned shared libraries (each must have
a full X.Y.Z version suffix) and installs their X.Y and X links in the target
dierectory as well.


Looking at the above, I'm thinking this may be a more complex interface than
the capability demands. Is there any reason not to fold this logic into
SharedLibrary and Install()? The former could just do the right thing if
a 'version' argument is specified; the latter could do the right thing if it
sees a version suffix .X.Y.Z on a source and the corresponding .X.Y and .X

> 2. it'll need tests. Is that something you could work on?

Probably not very effectively. I know nothing about your test strategy
or frameworks. I've been using this code for production in GPSD for
about a year.

> 3. There are some places where you substitute vars earlier than they

> normally would be substituted, which might cause subtle bugs -- e.g.

> $SHLINKFLAGS gets substituted right when the user calls

> VersionedSharedLibrary, rather than at build time. There are SConsish ways

> around this.

> 4. (minor) I'd prefer names like shlib_pre_action_target to

> shlib_pre_action_output (at least if I understand the code correctly)

I don't care about the names or the implementation details. It's not
really my design, I just fixed bugs in Ruchard Levitte's hack.

> Maybe the best way forward is to start a branch for it?

Not sure what that would gain. I don't know your project's workflow
or practices.
<a href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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